Saturday, July 28, 2007

Cracked Pepper

Astonishing. Beatles mashups. Click for Cracked Pepper

Type the sky

Alphabet made from photos looking up at buildings... Clever stuff. Must have taken ages to find the right buildings. Click for Type the sky

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Scary cat

A cat in a US nursing home can sense when someone is about to die. Scary...

"Oscar has a habit of curling up next to patients at the home in Providence, Rhode Island, in their final hours.

The two-year-old cat has been correct in 25 cases so far and staff now alert the families of residents when he sits down next to their ailing loved one."

Click for BBC article about the scary cat

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Alliance Vs Phase T - dance off

Great. Competitive dancing at it's best.

'Mickey Mouse' killed by Israelis on Hamas kids show

We live in a strange world indeed. Farfur, a Mickey Mouse lookalike, has been 'martyred' on a Hamas kids TV show. I find the irony of Mickey Mouse spouting fundamentalist dogma, disturbing and funny at the same time - disturbingly funny or funnily disturbing. I don't know. Click for Hamas 'Mickey Mouse' killed off - BBC

Cost of the War in Iraq so far
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Organism Intended for Nocturnal Galactic Observation

How long could you survive in the vacuum of space?