Tuesday, November 30, 2004

McRorie One Man Live

A one-man-band with a mullet. McRorie rocks. I want to see this guy play live. Somebody book him for a gig in Singapore please. McRorie One Man Live (click here)

Monday, November 29, 2004


My latest musical effort. I wrote it when I couldn't get back to sleep in the early hours of the morning after steaming bottles and feeding the baby. Very chilled and spacey. Enjoy. Akimbo - by oingo-de-boingo at ACIDplanet.com (click here)

Saturday, November 27, 2004

Whack Your Boss

As the title says... Whack Your Boss (click here)

Friday, November 26, 2004

The key to low crime rates

The BBC reports that a tiny northern Indian village claims to have experienced no robbery in a century. What is one of the key features of the village?

A: It checks the criminal records of all potential inhabitants

B: No accumulation of wealth is permitted

C: It has no doors

BBC (click here for the answer)

Thursday, November 25, 2004


A short video that re-examines the melodramatic genre in European film making (with insanity). Rezelscheft!!! Click here

Saturday, November 20, 2004

FindSounds - Search the Web for Sounds

It's a search engine for sounds. Really neat. FindSounds (click here)

Jap kids are cool

Some more great pics from MasaMania... Cool Jap kids (click here)

Friday, November 19, 2004

Ina with Freya (2.75kg). Born today. Yay!

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

The Grey Video

DJ Danger mouse mixes the Beatles 'The White Album' with Jay-z's 'The Black Album'. Result = 'The Grey Album'. Here's a great video. The Grey Video

The Kleptones - A Night At The Hip Hopera - 02 - See.mp3 (audio/mpeg Object)

The Queen hip hop mash-up that they're trying to ban. click here for mp3

BBC NEWS Toilet summit opens in Beijing

What can I say? Toilet summit (click here)

Monday, November 15, 2004

Cool pen

Stylish (?) ergonomically designed pen. Good Flash site too. YOROPEN (click here)

Sunday, November 14, 2004

IWAF2 - jaunty little ditty

Here's a tune I wrote yesterday. It's not safe for work. IWAF2 (click here)

I rather enjoyed putting the insanely desperate male voice next to the mocking girly lalalala chanting.

The vocal samples come from a site called the IWF Project. If you fancy remixing the tune yourself, you can download the parts. Here's the link to the IWF Project site:

IWF Project (click here)

Saturday, November 13, 2004

RoboDump 1.0

Fun with robots in toilets. At the cutting edge of technology. RoboDump 1.0

Friday, November 12, 2004

Sorry Everybody

A website where the 49% who didn't vote for the shrub post pics of themselves saying sorry to the rest of the world. Sorry Everybody

Thursday, November 11, 2004


Look at photos people have sent in and guess their ages. Then see how accurate you were compared with other people's guesses. You can even send in your own photo (if you dare). ageproject :: (click here)

Well, it kept me busy for a few minutes.

ATM card fraud - watch out!

As cash machine fraud in the UK soars by 85%, the banking industry and police have warned consumers about fraudsters' use of skimming devices which read card details, and hidden cameras which film as the pin number is entered. See how it's done. Guardian Unlimited Scamming with skimmer and scanner index (click here)

The best dictionary on the web

This is the definitive up-to-the-minute dictionary of all current words (slang). The best thing - you get to define the words yourself. UrbanDictionary (click here)

So now you can find out the meanings of - props, Trogdor, asdf, fap, 1337, teh, habanero, owned (pwn3d), minger and other important words.

Some of the definitions are fun too. Here's one of their definitions of English
"a language that lurks in dark alleys, beats up other languages and rifles through their pockets for spare vocabulary"

UrbanDictionary (click here)

One down, nine to go!

I've got a pool running on who'll die this year. I got this one right. Yasser, Yasser, Yasser (click here)

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Medical Beats - 2004

A remix of a tune I wrote last year. Longer and (I hope) a bit madder than before. It's on Acid Planet. Medical Beats - 2004 (click here)

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Tragic pics of Japanese salarymen crashed out in public

Life must be tough in the city. zzzzz Salarymen zzzzzz (Click here)

Sunday, November 07, 2004


An adventure game. Figure out how to make the red ball go on it's mysterious journey. Nicely done. TREASURE BOX

Cost of the War in Iraq so far
(JavaScript Error)
To see more details, click here.

Organism Intended for Nocturnal Galactic Observation

How long could you survive in the vacuum of space?