Tribute to White Trash
Thigh-slappingly good video compilation of White Trash. Yee haw! Click for Tribute to White Trash
bookmarks blogged so I don't have to send you an email saying, "hey, look what I found on the Web".
Thigh-slappingly good video compilation of White Trash. Yee haw! Click for Tribute to White Trash
I bought a butterfly knife once. I never figured out how to use it.
This is a nice simple tool to test the speed of your internet connection. Click for
A Japanese guy got his ipod squished on a crowded train and so decided to make an indestructible case-mod out of tooled aluminium. Hmm... Chunky. Click for bullet-proof ipod
Did you know that the Model T Ford (Ford's first production-line car in 1908) was more fuel-efficient than Ford's cars today? That's criminal.
Singapore's PM Lee makes some good points about customer service (with videos) Click for I Customer
An interesting colour Flash thingie that has over 30,000 English nouns arranged in a colour mosaic. Point and click your way around. Interesting. click me for English nouns
Google's Desktop beta just got better. Now you can access all your favourite stuff from a handy customisable sidebar. Not bad. Not bad at all. Click for Google Desktop
On Earth I'm 42. On Mars I'd be 22. On Venus I'd be 68. How old would you be if you lived on another planet? Go on... Click for Your Age On Other Worlds
The ashes of gonzo journalist Hunter S Thompson have been blown into the sky from a cannon in Aspen, Colorado. Jonny Depp paid for the cannon. Click for BBC story
Machinima is a new movie genre made from clips from video games. This Spartan Life is a machinima talk show shot in Halo2. The interviews are real interviews. The environment is in a live game of Halo2 with other online gamers shooting stuff up (and the guests in the talkshow). It's wild.
Here's your daily dose of weirdness (hosted by IFilm). All together now..."That boy needs therapy..."Click for video - The Avalanches: Frontier Psychiatrist
Here are some music videos by the techno-punk band Prodigy (hosted by IFilm). I'd never seen the 'Smack my bitch up' video. It's shocking (sex, drugs, violence, puking...), wild, horribly honest and funny. Warning...Not safe for work.
At last! Conclusive proof that unicorns exist: real unicorn turds. hmmm....
"In the King James Bible the are seven clear references to the Unicorn, 'If you don't believe in these turds, YOU DON'T BELIEVE IN GOD!!!'"
Are they really paying attention to what you say on the phone? Wired magazine reports ...
"Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology are developing software for cell phones that would analyze speech patterns and voice tones to rate people -- on a scale of 0 percent to 100 percent -- on how engaged they are in a conversation."Click for MIT's Jerk-O-Meter
Hype is a travelling digital art exhibition that's now in Singapore. It's a free showcase for artists. The only catch is that all works must have 'hyp' in the title. It's backed by Hewlett Packard. Hype Gallery
Christopher Walken for president! Yay! Walken 2008 - Official Website
Pick a satellite to see the view from it's current position in orbit around the Earth. View from Satellite
Ten years ago this week, Netscape was launched on the stock market. This signalled the start of the internet as a mass phenomenon. Only ten years old, but full of blogs, wikis and sophisticated search, storage and communication tools. Wow, only ten years... Click for Guardian article
A 30 second animated summary of Pulp Fiction, with bunnies. click for bunnies
If you give people controlled electric shocks behind the ear, they move uncontrollably towards the side of the electric current. So a Japanese scientist has made a remote control that zaps you behind the ear to steer you around.
This sort of electrical stimulation is known as galvanic vestibular stimulation, or GVS. When a weak DC current is delivered to the mastoid behind your ear, your body responds by shifting your balance toward the anode. The stronger the current, the more powerful its pull. If it is strong enough, it not only throws you off balance but alters the course of your movement. click for Forbes articleHere's a video (in Japanese) that shows a woman being remotely controlled. I like the way she giggles and wobbles uncontrollably around the place. click for Forbes video
A magazine design project for synthesthesiacs - people who smell colours, see music and hear flavours. syn - by claire mills
A well animated guide to help you master 'Mill's Mess' (juggling hyper-trick) Juggling workshop: Mills' Mess
The latest from the Weebl stable - scatological & repetitive. The Poo And Wee Song
A dark fairy-tale animation about a little girl... Children r scary
A chirpy little Sesame Street style tune, called the Internet is for Porn
Press the "door close" button and your floor button at the same time and the lift will not stop at any other floors. Express lifts
For luck, money, success... Just the thing for removing jinxes and hexes. Wanga dolls
Noisy neighbours? Use the Revenge CD! Comes with earplugs. Here's what you get...
Computer not working? Try a homeopathic cure.... of course. Holistic Computer Medicine
BBC Radio 1 do experimental radio. I found this by accident. Serendipitous. At the moment the show's a mix of wierd funky electro psychedelia interspersed with sick comedy sketches. It's like Derek and Clive meet the Orb. It's terrific. Lots and lots of swearing. It's called the Milk Run....You'll find it here: BBC - Radio 1 - oneclick