bookmarks blogged so I don't have to send you an email saying, "hey, look what I found on the Web".
Saturday, July 31, 2004
Thursday, July 15, 2004
Neistat brothers
Time to link to this site of cool guerilla film making stuff. Neistat bros
If you haven't seen it already, check out their movie on the i-pod battery. The film seems to have got apple to change their policy. Excellent.
The goldfish re-animation movie is really odd. Not for animal (fish) lovers.
Some nice short movies.
Wednesday, July 14, 2004
Pics of Georgie - so very wrong.
Here are some pics of Bush as never before. Lasting. Disturbing. Eeeuuch! Click here
Sunday, July 11, 2004
Make your eyes go all funny!
Lots of eye numbing, brain churning graphics at the 'headacher'.
For full funniness, hit F11 so that your browser goes full screen.
Saturday, July 10, 2004
Friday, July 09, 2004
60 second trip
I really should get out more often.
Here's a Flash thing that you stare at for a minute. It makes everything go all funny, like.
60 second trip
Pictures from deep space
Here are some pix from the Cassini-Huygens mission to Saturn and Titan. Wow.
Rings and Moons
Jupiter's Great Red Spot (B&W video)
Saturn's rings
Wednesday, July 07, 2004
Free flight
Simple and good. About 10 minutes of fun time-wastage in this one.
Fly around using your arrow keys. Do tricks with keys 1-4. the spacebar changes the camera view. And the 'f' key changes formation.
Click here (launches in new window)
Have you seen Bungle's twanger?
This is the unbroadcastable clip from the kiddies show Rainbow.
Click here for a smallish version (2.3Mb).
Here's a bigger version (16Mb hosted by Mucho Sucko). Click for big
(both links open in a new window)
Let's all sing the plucking song! Yay!
Tuesday, July 06, 2004
Mystery of the Blue Pipe
Here's another tune I wrote. This one's a bit jazzy and tripped out.
Mysterious Blue Pipe by Blue Murder.
As usual, it's at Acid Planet. Just click play when you get there. Enjoy.
Monday, July 05, 2004
Bush - miserable failure
Go to Google's homepage. Type in "miserable failure". Then hit the 'I'm feeling lucky' button. Go on. Give it a go.
Sunday, July 04, 2004
Your favourite tunes of mine.
Thanks to everyone who sent me their feedback, I can now post a list of my top 5 tunes. (Roughly) according to your feedback, they are:
1. Squiffy Melons
2. Sixpence
3. Lawlessnessly
4. Screaming Justice
5. Medical Beats
Click them to go to their pages on Acid Planet, where you can click the play or download button to hear them. They're mostly 128k wma files (broadband is best).
Thank you.
Mr Oingo de Boingo
Late home - Flash game
The game is called 'late home' by Splinter Cell. You've been out on the piss and you have to make it to bed without waking your girlfriend up. You get to shoot stuff. Yay! Click here
Saturday, July 03, 2004
Friday, July 02, 2004
Collaboration First, Then Knowledge Management
Collaboration First, Then Knowledge Management -- Featured Opinion -- CMS Watch Neat article about collaboration. If you're into that kind of thing.
Squiffy Melons - yay!
Squiffy Melons (full distortion mix), created by oingo-de-boingo and presented through ACIDplanet.com
Will you catch fire when the asteroid hits?!
Earth Impact Effects Program
Enter the variables and this neat site will calculate the effects of an asteroid impact. It kept me busy for a minute.click here
Success with the Hello picture poster
Well this is easy. I think I'll have a more serious mess around with this a bit later.
Cost of the War in Iraq so far
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