Brasso repairs scratched CDs!

I had a CD that just wouldn't read on any player. I was trying to load it into itunes to preserve it for posterity, but it wouldn't play. It had some nasty scratches and one monster zigzaggy gouge. Damn! It's a classic psytrance CD that's not available anymore - lots of great tunes lost forever! Ruined, I thought... Not so!
I searched the net and found this (quite scientific) comparison of CD repair kits and other household cleaners...CDR Repair Kits from Burning Issues: Tips and Tricks for CDR / CDRW Writing Brasso comes out tops.
Folks have tried everything in desperation: vaseline, hair conditioner, toothpaste, mud - all listed on this site of other CD repair suggestions
But Brasso really does work. Here's another site recommending Brasso for scratched CDs
My gouged and scratched CD came out gleaming with not a scratch on it. I couldn't believe it! I'm now listening to all those classic tunes I thought I'd lost forever! Thank you Brasso! Mmmwwwwah!
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