Friday, September 23, 2005

BBC NEWS | Face to face: Dominatrix and submissive

The BBC are running a series at the moment called 'Who runs your world', so I suppose it's not too strange that they're doing an episode on a Sub-Dom couple. Hang on. Actually, it is strange. WTF?
"As part of the BBC's Who Runs Your World? series, we are looking at people in relationships of power. Here, we hear from a dominatrix and her client, the so-called submissive."
This bit made me laugh. I love the punchline...
"We try different things in terms of compromising positions for a man, including hog-tied - on your knees, hands behind your back, so that your ankles and your wrists are tied together, and there's another piece of rope that comes around so that your head movement is also restricted by your ankles.

And then we get into some meditative flogging."
Get into some what????

Click for Face to face: Dominatrix and submissive

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Organism Intended for Nocturnal Galactic Observation

How long could you survive in the vacuum of space?