Thursday, December 01, 2005

American Edit - shut down

Copyright lawyers have shut down a site I linked to a few days ago. The site had some great mash-ups of Green Day's 'American idiot'.

In case you don't know, a mash-up is when you mix two or more tunes together to create a whole new tune - mashed up. The one I liked the most on this site was 'American idiot' mashed up with the tune from Dr Who and some old Gary Glitter. It was pretty cool.

But why the copyright problems? It's not as if listening to these tunes is going to stop people from buying the originals, is it. No, it's more like a bunch of music execs flexing their muscles and saying "This art is illegal because it displeases us". They're so out of touch - and that's why music today sucks. Click for Dean Gray Tuesday

Cost of the War in Iraq so far
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Organism Intended for Nocturnal Galactic Observation

How long could you survive in the vacuum of space?