Thursday, September 08, 2005

BBC - stupid advertising cliches

A nice list of advertising cliches compiled by the Beeb. Here are some of my faves...

1. Men are obsessed with sex but will forego sex in order to watch football or drink beer.

5. Any act of male stupidity (e.g. walking across a clean floor in muddy boots, putting the dog in the dishwasher, etc.) will be met with a wry smile, not genuine annoyance/anger.

16. High Street bank staff are (A) friends of the customers, and (B) of slightly above-average attractiveness (only if female).

19. Professional people have strangely trivial preoccupations, e.g. a female barrister who is morbidly obsessed with finding a healthy snack bar.

23. Women never merely hop in and out of the shower, instead preferring to act out some sort of soapy Dance of the Seven Veils.

All true, if you happen to live inside your TV.

Click for BBC article - ad cliches

Cost of the War in Iraq so far
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Organism Intended for Nocturnal Galactic Observation

How long could you survive in the vacuum of space?